Friday, April 15, 2011

SVN - managing users on webfaction's SVN

Managing Users

Subversion users are managed with .htpasswd file in ~/webapps/svn, where svn is the name of the Subversion application.
To add a user or change an existing user’s password:
  1. Open an SSH session.
  2. Switch to the Subversion directory. Enter cd ~/webapps/svn and press Enter.
  3. Enter htpasswd .htpasswd username, where username is the the user, and press Enter. A password prompt appears.
  4. Enter the new password and press Enter.
  5. Reenter the new password and press Enter.
To delete a user:
  1. Open an SSH session.
  2. Switch to the Subversion directory. Enter cd ~/webapps/svn and press Enter.
  3. Enter htpasswd -D .htpasswd username, where username is the the user, and press Enter.