Thursday, July 14, 2011

SqlServer date functions

 distinct PLANT_ID, 
  as PO_date
from inventory..inv_log
where plant_id = 'HR' 
 and type = 'T' 
 and updateDate_Stamp > '05/01/2011' 
 and userID like '%SLAM%'
order by 1,2,3

Friday, April 15, 2011

SVN - managing users on webfaction's SVN

Managing Users

Subversion users are managed with .htpasswd file in ~/webapps/svn, where svn is the name of the Subversion application.
To add a user or change an existing user’s password:
  1. Open an SSH session.
  2. Switch to the Subversion directory. Enter cd ~/webapps/svn and press Enter.
  3. Enter htpasswd .htpasswd username, where username is the the user, and press Enter. A password prompt appears.
  4. Enter the new password and press Enter.
  5. Reenter the new password and press Enter.
To delete a user:
  1. Open an SSH session.
  2. Switch to the Subversion directory. Enter cd ~/webapps/svn and press Enter.
  3. Enter htpasswd -D .htpasswd username, where username is the the user, and press Enter.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

SonicWall NetExtender for Mac OS X fix for Snow Leopard

TIP: GUI version of Snow Leopard/Net Extender VPN fix
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Don shared an alternative to a previously reported workaround for Snow Leopard problems with SonicWall's NetExtender virtual private network client. The original fix uses Unix commands in Terminal. Don said his workaround accomplishes the same but without the command line:
I also couldn't connect using SonicWall NetExtender v3.5.632 after upgrading my MacBook Pro to Snow Leopard. Since I'm not comfortable with Terminal, and our IT guys were Gone For The Day, I tried Josh Carlson_s tip and Downloaded and installed the latest version of NetExtender from the SonicWALL website using these simple steps:
  1. Open this link:
  2. Follow the instructions to demo NetExtender
  3. Click on the NetExtender button (which opens this link:
  4. Follow the instructions and permanently APPROVE the SonicWALL permissions dialogs that pop up
This installed the latest Snow Leopard friendly version of NetExtender (version 4.0.658) which connected to our SSL-VPN NetExtender without having to do anything in Terminal... Much easier!
My suggestion would be to simply this further to three simple steps:
Go directly to this link:
Click on the NetExtender button (which opens this link:
Follow the instructions and permanently APPROVE the SonicWALL permissions dialogs that pop up.
